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  • Herchuk, O. (ХДАК, 2023)
    Today I would like to make it more clear how student choreographers study. Of course, intramural learning is much better than online learning. After all, it is the most understandable and easier for both students and ...
  • Honcharenko, I. (ХДАК, 2023)
    The executed renaissance is a term for a group of Ukrainian language poets, writers, artists and intellectuals who lived during the 1920s and the 1930s on territory of the Ukrainian Socialist Soviet Republic and were ...
  • Kovalenko, Y. (2019)
    The purpose of this research is to consider the way of interaction between jazz and pre-jazzy music and screen for birth of new features and meanings, as well as to analyze the audiovisual structure in terms of jazzy ...
  • Myslavskyi, V. (ХДАК, 2023)
    The scientific relevance. The formation and development of the newsreels and documentary films in Ukraine in the 1920s remains one of the least researched pages in the history and development of Ukrainian cinema. That is ...
  • Rostovtsev, S. S. (ХДАК, 2017)
    Подано короткий огляд глобальних трендів оздоровчого туризму.
  • Trianov, M. (2023)
    Today, the guitar duo is the most widespread form of guitar ensemble. The reasons for it have to do with how universal a combination of two guitars is, as well as with the rich history of the development of this genre.
  • Klochko, O. (ХДАК, 2023)
    The abstract considers the issue of the history of the development of the science of kinesiology, which at the present stage is an alternative to traditional medicine. Methods of detecting disorders in the body using applied ...
  • Oliinyk, O. (ХДАК, 2023)
    Artificial intelligence (AI) technology has taken the field of language learning by storm, revolutionizing the way English students approach their language acquisition journey. In an era characterized by digital innovation ...
  • Воскобойнікова, В. В. (ХДАК, 2020)
    Православ'я за кордоном викликає пильний інтерес. Однак проблема організації церковного хору в різних умовах може бути актуальною не тільки для парафій за кордоном, але і для церков, розташованих у невеликих містечках, в ...
  • Musharova, S. (ХДАК, 2024)
    Folk artistic culture is the historical basis on which world artistic culture developed and is developing, one of the forms of social consciousness and social activity, a socially determined phenomenon. Folk artistic culture ...
  • Brahina, T.; Brahin, Y. (2021)
    У статті тезово розкрито відображення в образотворчому мистецтві теми Визвольної війни в Україні середини XVII ст. та її харизматичного лідера Богдана Хмельницького.
  • Ding Boyu (ХДАК, 2023)
    The purpose of the article is to identify and systematize a complex of historical, cultural and musical factors that cau sed the great popularity of the opera “Mulan Psalm” in China and the interest i n this work of viewers ...
  • Mostova, Iryna Serhiivna; Ostrovska, Karina Volodymyrivna; Bevz, Nadiya Victorivna (2023)
    The research materials analyzed the significance of choreographic art for restoring the psycho-emotional state of a person caused by external factors: the increase in the pace of life, the negative impact of environmental, ...
  • Kovalenko, I. (2018)
    The article covers the role of independent media in the exercise of public control over the functioning of state power. The author emphasizes that journalism is the leading means of such control. The control functions ...
  • Shumakova, S. (2021)
    Цілком очевидно, що сценічне мистецтво зараз докорінно змінюється, проходячи епоха декононізації театрального формату і вперше у значній кількості років, щільно стикаючись з фактом нечітких критеріїв образності. Сучасні ...
  • Myslavskyi, V.; Bezruchko, O. (ХДАК, 2021)
    Досліджено жанрові і тематичні особливості українських фільмів про радянсько-українську війну (1917–1921) у 1920-ті рр.
  • Zvegintsova, M. (2018)
    The article is a brief overview of main strategies of applying the creative writing techniques in the class "Analysis of Media Discourse", used by the author in the case of insufficient preparation of the perceiving ...
  • Shumakova, S. (2019)
    An attempt is made to comprehend the phenomenon of theatrical art as a transforming force that changes the human world. The author interprets the nature of theatrical art as understood one of the most powerful tools affecting ...
  • Diegtiar, A. O.; Serohina-Berestovska, O. V. (2018)
    The article summarizes the theoretical and methodological aspects of the development of social infrastructure in the region, identifies the main stages of its development, types and characteristics of the system, which ...
  • Voskoboinikova, Yu. V. (ХДАК, 2024)
    The content of the course reveals the theoretical foundations of choral performance, the issue of interpretation of choral works, the publication contains methodical recommendations for independent performance analysis of ...