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Сортувати по: Порядок: Рузультати:

  • Shumakova, S. N. (2023)
    The article interprets the artistic essence of stage art, which predetermines a certain duality - modeling and sign, obeying the laws of semiotic systems. Stage art in this aspect is considered in connection with such ...
  • Riabukha, N. O.; Diegtiar, A. O.; Bilyk, O. M.; Phynka, G. V.; Borysova, A. O. (Oberig, 2024)
    The authors highlight the problems related to the state regulation of the sphere of culture. The peculiarities of the nature of the culture sphere are revealed in order to set realistic purposes of its state regulation, ...
  • Stashevskyi, A. Ya. (2019)
    Modern button accordion music, which has a wide range of different genres and forms of music (created, including by Ukrainian composers), clearly shows a unique complex of artistic and expressive means, capable of accurately ...
  • Fomin, M. V. (2020)
    Херсонес-Херсон - це візантійський центр на межі між візантійською цивілізацією та "варварським світом". Стародавнє місто розташоване за межами сучасного міста, і регулярні археологічні розкопки проводяться вже більше ста ...
  • Myslavskyi, V. (PC TECHNOLOGY CENTER, 2023)
    The chapter "Birth and development of film education in Ukraine (1916–1930)" consists of two parts. Part 1 "Private Film Education" covers the period from 1916 to 1919. At this time, dozens of film schools, or as they were ...
  • Brusentsev, V. O.; Konovalenko, O. E. (ХДАК, 2020)
    В даний час електронне навчання є однією з форм організації використання інформації та комунікаційні технології. Це поняття в повсякденному житті можна замінити термінами такі як: дистанційна, віртуальна, комп’ютерна, ...
  • Stepanov, V. (ХДАК, 2023)
    The concept of “tourism sector” allows us to understand the social processes that take place in the field of tourism activities in the social system. To do this, we should consider the interpretation of the concept of ...
  • Liubchenko, O. (ХДАК, 2023)
    The theater of the absurd is a direction of drama based on the principles of total rejection of a person from the social and physical environment. Plays in this direction first appeared in the early 1950s in France, and ...
  • Holian, O. O. (ХДАК, 2017)
    У матеріалах надано інформацію про сучасний стан розвитку альтернативних видів туризму в контексті сталого розвитку на прикладі зарубіжного досвіду.
  • Herchuk, O. (ХДАК, 2023)
    Today I would like to make it more clear how student choreographers study. Of course, intramural learning is much better than online learning. After all, it is the most understandable and easier for both students and ...
  • Honcharenko, I. (ХДАК, 2023)
    The executed renaissance is a term for a group of Ukrainian language poets, writers, artists and intellectuals who lived during the 1920s and the 1930s on territory of the Ukrainian Socialist Soviet Republic and were ...
  • Kovalenko, Y. (2019)
    The purpose of this research is to consider the way of interaction between jazz and pre-jazzy music and screen for birth of new features and meanings, as well as to analyze the audiovisual structure in terms of jazzy ...
  • Myslavskyi, V. (ХДАК, 2023)
    The scientific relevance. The formation and development of the newsreels and documentary films in Ukraine in the 1920s remains one of the least researched pages in the history and development of Ukrainian cinema. That is ...
  • Rostovtsev, S. S. (ХДАК, 2017)
    Подано короткий огляд глобальних трендів оздоровчого туризму.
  • Trianov, M. (2023)
    Today, the guitar duo is the most widespread form of guitar ensemble. The reasons for it have to do with how universal a combination of two guitars is, as well as with the rich history of the development of this genre.
  • Klochko, O. (ХДАК, 2023)
    The abstract considers the issue of the history of the development of the science of kinesiology, which at the present stage is an alternative to traditional medicine. Methods of detecting disorders in the body using applied ...
  • Oliinyk, O. (ХДАК, 2023)
    Artificial intelligence (AI) technology has taken the field of language learning by storm, revolutionizing the way English students approach their language acquisition journey. In an era characterized by digital innovation ...
  • Воскобойнікова, В. В. (ХДАК, 2020)
    Православ'я за кордоном викликає пильний інтерес. Однак проблема організації церковного хору в різних умовах може бути актуальною не тільки для парафій за кордоном, але і для церков, розташованих у невеликих містечках, в ...
  • Musharova, S. (ХДАК, 2024)
    Folk artistic culture is the historical basis on which world artistic culture developed and is developing, one of the forms of social consciousness and social activity, a socially determined phenomenon. Folk artistic culture ...
  • Brahina, T.; Brahin, Y. (2021)
    У статті тезово розкрито відображення в образотворчому мистецтві теми Визвольної війни в Україні середини XVII ст. та її харизматичного лідера Богдана Хмельницького.