Репозиторій ХДАК

Modification of the image of totalitarian power in sports and artistic events of the XX-XXI centuries (Germany, USSR, PRC)

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dc.contributor.author Mashchenko, I. O.
dc.date.accessioned 2021-04-27T09:49:28Z
dc.date.available 2021-04-27T09:49:28Z
dc.date.issued 2019
dc.identifier.citation Mashchenko I. O. Modification of the image of totalitarian power in sports and artistic events of the XX-XXI centuries (Germany, USSR, PRC) / I. O. Mashchenko // Science and Education a New Dimension. Humanities and Social Sciences. - 2019. - № 7(36), iss. 214. - P. 7-9. ua
dc.description.abstract У статті проаналізовано створення та проведення спортивно-художніх заходів у контексті культурної та комунікативної моделі світогляду. ua
dc.description.abstract The article analyzes the creation and sports and artistic events conducting in the context of a cultural and communicative model of worldview. The modification of the image of power was studied and analyzed on the examples of Germany and the USSR, countries with a totalitarian regime in the twentieth century, and DPRK as a totalitarian country of twenty first century. The scientific novelty of the work is in the cultural understanding of the influence of totalitarian states on the sports and artistic events conducting as a visual component of the driving force of state ideology. For the first time, the concepts of the militaristic ideology of totalitarian states, the image codification of which affected mass consciousness and the transformational processes of intercultural dialogue were studied with the help of the sport and artistic events directing.
dc.language.iso en ua
dc.subject спортивно-художні дійства, sports and artistic activities ua
dc.title Modification of the image of totalitarian power in sports and artistic events of the XX-XXI centuries (Germany, USSR, PRC) ua
dc.type Article ua

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