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dc.contributor.author Shumakova, S. N.
dc.date.accessioned 2023-03-29T07:24:48Z
dc.date.available 2023-03-29T07:24:48Z
dc.date.issued 2023
dc.identifier.citation Shumakova S. N. Stage art: a model of reality as a semiotic system / S. N. Shumakova // Society, culture, personality in modern world : materials of the XII inter. sci. conf. on February 16-17, 2023 / Vedecko vydavatelske centrum «Sociosfera-CZ» [et. al.]. — Prague, 2023. — P. 21-22. ua
dc.description.abstract The article interprets the artistic essence of stage art, which predetermines a certain duality - modeling and sign, obeying the laws of semiotic systems. Stage art in this aspect is considered in connection with such concepts as "sign". The conclusion is formulated: the plan of content and the plan of expression in the sign system of a stage work against the background of a certain aesthetic expectation become a semantically saturated meaning-bearing construct, equal to a verbal expression that receives new, additional meanings. ua
dc.language.iso en ua
dc.subject сценічне мистецтво, performing arts ua
dc.title Stage art: a model of reality as a semiotic system ua
dc.type Thesis ua

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