Professionalism is one of those qualities of an employee that employers value the most. When starting a professional career, most people plan to perform their duties as professionally as possible. Each profession has its own requirements for the employee’s professional skill. Social sciences interpret a profession as a qualification that requires long-term training, including the need to obtain a higher education, and often a professional internship. However, employee professionalism is a broader issue related to a sense of mission. If we want to be considered professionals, we must be aware of why we do our work and what we want to achieve. Then we will have more satisfaction with work and even professional realization. Each profession requires special knowledge and specific skills. Some of them are acquired automatically along with work experience. Many professions require a license. Later, the employee’s skill level is scarcely checked. However, genuine professionalism needs constant self-improvement, advancement of one’s qualifications, although it does not mean that only the representative of a particular profession who knows everything is a genuine specialist. The best ones are the elite, but others can be considered professionals, because professionalism is about appreciating what you know and being humble about what you do not yet know. Some workplaces have a specific catalog of conduct rules. In the case of physical culture specialists, their professional ethics have been developed. A physical education teacher as an advisor to young people on issues of health, physical fitness, and body aesthetics and, at the same time, as a role model should be authoritative and attractive.