Репозиторій ХДАК

Dance as a physical form of spiritual practice in the works of Merce Cunningham

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dc.contributor.author Brahina, N.
dc.contributor.author Brahin, Yu.
dc.date.accessioned 2024-01-18T10:08:03Z
dc.date.available 2024-01-18T10:08:03Z
dc.date.issued 2023
dc.identifier.citation Dance as a physical form of spiritual practice in the works of Merce Cunningham [Електронний ресурс] = Танець як фізична форма духовної практики у творчості Мерса Каннінгема / Brahina N., Brahin Yu. // Культурологія та соціальні комунікації: інноваційні стратегії розвитку. У 2 ч. : матеріали міжнар. наук. конф. (22-23 листоп. 2023 р.) / М-во культури та інформ. політики України, М-во освіти і науки України, Харків. держ. акад. культури, Нац. акад.відп. за вип.голова оргкомітету) та ін.]. — Харків : ХДАК, 2023. — Ч. 2. — С. 195-197. ua
dc.description.abstract Cunningham’s creative philosophy has been the subject of study by many authors. Original research into Cunningham’s work was carried out by Carrie Noland (“After the Arbitrary”). In this book Carrie Noland brings new insight to this transformative artist’s philosophy and work, providing a fresh perspective on his artistic process while exploring aspects of his choreography. Examining a rich and previously unseen archive that includes photographs, film footage, and unpublished writing by Cunningham, Noland counters prior understandings of Cunningham’s influential embrace of the unintended. Noland considers that Cunningham approached movement as more than “movement in itself,” and that his work enacted archetypal human dramas. The prospect of further study is the determination of stylistic characteristics of M. Cunningham’s staging. ua
dc.language.iso en ua
dc.publisher ХДАК ua
dc.subject танець ua
dc.subject dance ua
dc.title Dance as a physical form of spiritual practice in the works of Merce Cunningham ua
dc.type Thesis ua

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