Show simple item record Dai Fenly 2024-12-28T18:43:09Z 2024-12-28T18:43:09Z 2024
dc.identifier.citation Dai Fenly. Opera as a Cultural Heritage of China = Опера як культурна спадщина Китаю // Культурологія та соціальні комунікації: інноваційні стратегії розвитку. У 2 ч. : матеріали міжнар. наук. конф., присвяч. 95-річчю ХДАК (21–22 листоп. 2024 р.) / М-во культури та стратегічних комунікацій України, М-во освіти і науки України, Харків. держ. акад. культури, Нац. акад. мистецтв України ; [редкол.: Н. Рябуха (відп. за вип.) та ін.]. Харків : ХДАК, 2024. Ч. 2. С. 240-242. ua
dc.description.abstract Chinese opera is one of the oldest forms of dramatic art in the world. Chinese opera traces its roots to ancient forms of performance that existed as early as the “Shang” (1600–1046 BC) and “Zhou” (1046–256 BC) dynasties. Peking opera is the most famous and influential form of Chinese opera. It is originated in the late 18th century and reached its peak in the 19th century. It combined various elements from different regional operas. Peking opera performances rely heavily on a combination of singing, speaking, dancing, and martial arts. The music uses traditional Chinese instruments. The 20th century brought significant changes to Chinese opera. Traditional Chinese opera faced challenges with the arrival of Western theatre, film, and new forms of entertainment. During the “Cultural Revolution” (1966–1976), traditional Chinese operas were suppressed, and only a few “model operas” that reflected communist ideology were permitted to be performed. In the 21st century, Chinese opera continues to evolve, with modern adaptations and innovations introduced to appeal to new audiences. Some productions incorporate elements of Western theater, such as modern staging, lighting, and even fusion with other genres, including jazz and electronic music. ua
dc.language.iso en en
dc.publisher ХДАК ua
dc.subject оперне мистецтво ua
dc.subject музична культура Китаю ua
dc.title Opera as a Cultural Heritage of China ua
dc.type Conference paper ua

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