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Chinese Folk Song: Traditions and Modernity

Show simple item record Wei Weinyun 2024-12-28T18:57:55Z 2024-12-28T18:57:55Z 2024
dc.identifier.citation Wei Weinyun. Chinese Folk Song: Traditions and Modernity = Китайська народна пісня: традиції та сучасність // Культурологія та соціальні комунікації: інноваційні стратегії розвитку. У 2 ч. : матеріали міжнар. наук. конф., присвяч. 95-річчю ХДАК (21–22 листоп. 2024 р.) / М-во культури та стратегічних комунікацій України, М-во освіти і науки України, Харків. держ. акад. культури, Нац. акад. мистецтв України ; [редкол.: Н. Рябуха (відп. за вип.) та ін.]. Харків : ХДАК, 2024. Ч. 2. С. 247-248. ua
dc.description.abstract Chinese folk music has a rich history going back thousands of years, the specific “folk penny” genre, with its modern influences, began to take shape in the 20th century. Chinese folk music combines traditional Chinese folk styles with modern elements, creating a unique sound often associated with social commentary, nostalgia, and personal storytelling. In the early 20th century, China went through significant political and social upheaval. Folk music began to be influen ced by external factors, including Western music, the rise of urbanization, and new technolo gies like radio and phonog raphs. During the Cultural Revolution (1966–1976), traditional and modern folk music faced suppression, as it was often labeled as “bourgeois” or counter-revolutionary. After the Cultural Revolution, China experienced economic reforms and an opening to Western culture. By the early 2000s, “Chinese folk penny” became associated with a new generation of musicians who further merged traditio nal folk elements with modern styles, including indie, rock, and pop music. ua
dc.language.iso en en
dc.subject музичний фольклор китайський ua
dc.subject музична культура Китаю ua
dc.title Chinese Folk Song: Traditions and Modernity ua
dc.type Conference paper ua

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