Репозиторій ХДАК

Button accordion sonata in ukrainian music of the second hale of the twentieth century: trends in the genre evolution

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dc.contributor.author Stashevskyi, A. Ya.
dc.date.accessioned 2020-02-20T07:51:16Z
dc.date.available 2020-02-20T07:51:16Z
dc.date.issued 2019
dc.identifier.citation Stashevskyi A. Ya. Button accordion sonata in ukrainian music of the second hale of the twentieth century: trends in the genre evolution / Stashevskyi A. Ya. // The role of culture and art in social and humanitarian development of modern society : collective monograph / [A. I. Duchniy, V. G. Ditchak, A. Ya. Stashevskyi, M. Strenacikova, O. Goncharova]. - Lviv-Torun : Liha-Pres, 2019. - P. 36-54. ua
dc.description.abstract The fruitful development of academic button accordion and accordion performance in Ukraine in the second half of the twentieth century significantly contributed to the formation of their own original repertoire. Thus, during this period, a considerable number of original works for button accordion appeared, based not only on folk traditions but also on the experience of developing academic genres, including the sonata genre. ua
dc.language.iso en ua
dc.subject музика акордеонна, accordion music ua
dc.title Button accordion sonata in ukrainian music of the second hale of the twentieth century: trends in the genre evolution ua
dc.type Book chapter ua

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