Зведений каталог бібліотек Харкова


Borys, A.
    On harmonic distortion reduction in sinusoidal oscillators via increase of feedback return difference [Текст] / Departament of Telecommunications and Electrical Engineering University of Agriculture, Poland // Відбір і обробка інформації : міжвідомчий збірник наукових праць / НАНУ; Фізико-механічний ін-т ім. Г.В. Карпенка. — Львів, 2003. — С. 57-62.

- Анотація:

A common opinion is that the amplitudes of harmonics in nearly sinusoidal oscillators are inversely proportional to the absolute value of the feedback in difference characterising feedback structure of this type of oscillators. And because of this fact the factor mentioned is maximized to reduce the harmonic distortion in oscillators. However, note that this approach does not take into account the fact that the ratios of amplitudes of harmonic components to amplitude of the component at fundamental freguency can change under the above procedure. In connection to this, it has been shown in this paper that the feedback return difference can not serve as a measure of harmonic distortion in sinusoidal oscillators, at least in general.

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