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Yurich, M. Yu.
    Sorting algorithms for distribution of tasks in thf computer system [Текст] = Алгоритмы сортировки для распределения заданий в вычислительной системе / Запорожский национальный технический университет, Украина // Радіоелектронні і комп'ютерні системи. — 2009. — С. 20-24.

- Анотація:

The problem of the distribution of tasks in the computer system when the number of computers exceeds the number of tasks is distributed. The various sorting algorithms are applied for this purpose. Auto select of sorting algorithm which depending on the properties of data that represented by input arrays are proposed, in order to speed up work before the distribution of tasks based on the use of sorting algorithms. We show that the chosen solution to the problem is effective, because selection time of algorithm insignificant effect on the total time sorting. It is proved that the algorithm reduces the sorting time of input data, and so the time of the distribution of tasks in the computer system. Keywords: distribution of tasks, computer system, sorting, time sorting, sorting algorithm, auto select.

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