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Axman, P.
    Modern methods of fadec design for aircraft engines and certification aspects [Текст] / UNIS // Авиационно-космическая техника и технология : Научно-технический журнал. — Х. : Нац. аэрокосмический ун-т "ХАИ", 2009. — C. 117-124.

Автор: Axman P., Kerlin T., Svaina D., Oplutil V., Toman J.

- Анотація:

An article describes the motivation for use of automatic code generators for the development of critical control applications in the aerospace industry. A V-cycle model based design is introduced and its advantages and development practices that leads from design of a MATLAB/Simulink [1] models to a real target application are depicted. Attention is also paid to FAA/EASA certification authorities requirements ([5], [6], [7]) with respect to a certification process of any newly designed aviation equipment. These practices are being used during the entire development cycle of an aircraft engine subsystems for small civil aircraft (category FAR 23 / CS-23). Key words: aircraft, engine, fadec, certification, modelling, V-cycle.

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