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Kucher, O. G.
    Detection of cracked blade from bladed disk forced response using tip-timing method: simulation study [Текст] / Национальный авиационный университет // Авиационно-космическая техника и технология : Научно-технический журнал. — Х. : Нац. аэрокосмический ун-т "ХАИ", 2009. — C. 155-165.

- Анотація:

The study intends to simulate the process of the blade tip amplitude calculation by the tip-timing method. An attention is focused on tip-timing measurements for identification of a cracked blade from the bladed disk forced response. The cracked blade is considered within frameworks of the bladed disk dynamic model that takes into account mistuning presence. Nonlinear formulation of a crack behavior is done with the harmonic balance method in its combination with the contact analysis that allows simulation of crack breathing. In order to make the cracked blade identification process evident, the crack length and location are set in such a way as to produce the cracked blade frequency localization. Reconstruction of the blade tip amplitudes is attained with the arriving time of measured probes of the blade tips. The results are compared with the blade forced response obtained by the bladed disk dynamic model. Proposed model can be used for the simulation of the process of on-line health monitoring of aviation gas-turbine engines. And more particularly to provide data of engine vibration parameters modification in operation.

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  • УДК // Конструкція транспортного засобу, конструктивні принципи,загальне компонування, вузли та деталі
  • УДК // Поверхневы дефекти --> 620.179.11 -->620.193

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