Зведений каталог бібліотек Харкова


Borkovskiy, A. V.
    Method of measurement of aviation details with usage of robotic vision complexes [Текст] / Национальный авиационный университет // Авиационно-космическая техника и технология : Научно-технический журнал. — Х. : Нац. аэрокосмический ун-т "ХАИ", 2009. — C. 171-174.

- Анотація:

In given article are described methods of image analysis. Image analysis is the term that is used to embody the idea of automatically extracting useful information from an image of a scene. The more commonly used image analysis techniques include template matching, statistical pattern recognition, and the Hough transform. application. Techniques vary across a broad spectrum, depend-ing on the complexity of the image and, indeed, on the complexity of the information to be extracted from it. The important point regarding image analysis is that this information is explicit and can be used in subsequent decision making processes.

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