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Gubka, A. S.
    Method of role assignment between praticipants in project management team using three-dimensional infirmation matrix of roles [Текст] / Национальный аэрокосмический университет им.Н.Е.Жуковского "ХАИ", г.Харьков, Украина // Радіоелектронні і комп'ютерні системи. — 2010. — С. 144-148.

- Анотація:

The analysis of existent methods, algorithms and approaches of distribution of responsibilities and work in project was made. The method of role assignment in project management team was produced, in which knowledge and experience of each team member is taken into account. The method is based on the method, which is presented in the previous article , but the difference is that the mark importance for each type of work is currently used, which are very useful during role assignment between the project management team participants. Essence of this method consists of three-dimensional information matrix of roles in the project management team creation, in which the importance coefficients of the marks foe each criteria, which are given to participant to fulfil each type of work is used. This can help to make role assigning process more correct. Keywords: project team, team participant, project management team, preliminary role assignment matrix, improved role assignment matrix, three-dimensional information matrix of roles, criteria for managers evaluation.

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- Теми документа

  • Праці співробітників ХАІ // Губка О.С./Губка А.С./Gubka S.
  • УДК // Методичні питання. Теорія та практика організації
  • Праці співробітників ХАІ // Носова Н.Ю./Носова Н.Ю.
  • Праці співробітників ХАІ // Праці співробітників ХАІ/Труды сотрудников ХАИ

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