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Shekhovtsov, V. A.
    Towards evaluating service-oriented architectures based on stakeholder assessments of simulated service qualities [Текст] = Интегральное оценивание сервис-ориентированных архитектур на основе пользовательских оценок смоделированных характеристик качества программных сервисов / Национальный технический университет "Харьковский политехнический институт" , г.Харьков, Украина // Радіоелектронні і комп'ютерні системи. — 2010. — С. 116-122.

- Анотація:

The paper introduces an approach for development of service-oriented software systems aimed at evaluating service-oriented architectures based on assessments of simulated service qualities by business stakeholders. This approach is a part of ISAREAD-S framework aimed at involving business stakeholders in a software process in a form of assessing the perceived quality of the service-oriented system (exemplified by service performance and reliability) in its usage context. We investigate evaluation of both particular architecture as a whole (snapshot evaluation) and particular architectural decisions (incremental evaluation). We propose three-stage evaluation technique of converting the description of either architecture or the particular decision into the set of values for the factors influencing simulation of the prospective system, obtaining stakeholder assessments of simulated qualities, and deriving the evaluation marks from these assessments. The solution is implemented as a high-level procedure (architecture evaluation policy) based on low-level procedures (mechanisms) collecting stakeholder opinions on perceived service quality. Key words: quality of service, service performance, service reliability, software architecture, architectural decision, architecture evaluation, business stakeholders.

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