Зведений каталог бібліотек Харкова


OKeeffe, N.
    Playing the long game [Текст] / N. OKeeffe // Flight International. — London : IPC Transport Press LTD., 2010. — C. 26-46.

- Анотація:

In part two of the world airliners round-up, mainline jets come in for sector-by-sector analysis. Major decisions loom in the narrowbody market, with Airbus and Boeing under pressure to replace popular products, while Bombardier's CSeries progresses and China and Russia aim to disrupt the duopoly. New widebody programmes have made major advances this year while older types have faded and ultra-large types remained problematic. Elsewhere, Russian manufacturers are struggling to keep lines open amid weak demand, but conversation providers are finding reasons for optimism.

- Є складовою частиною документа:

- Теми документа

  • Літальні апарати // Аэробус А320/Airbus A320
  • Літальні апарати // Боинг 787 Дримлайнер/Boeing 787 Dreamliner
  • УДК // Функціональні характеристики та режим експлуатації

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