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    Italy unleashed [Текст] // Flight International. — London : IPC Transport Press LTD., 2010. — C. 26-46.

- Анотація:

Europe's fourth biggest aerospace industry is dominated by Finmeccanica companies and their supply chains. The national champion's success as an airframer and first tier supplier over the past decade has helped Italian industry enormously. In this special feature, the authors look at Finmeccanica's march into new markets, the country's space strategy and the effect of the budgetary squeezeon military aircraft procurement. The authors also profile some of Italy's unsung small suppliers - many of them in the south.

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- Теми документа

  • УДК // Авіація та космонавтика. Літальні апарати. Ракетна техніка та реактивні снаряди. Астронавтика та космічна техніка

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