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Amen, S. A.
    Development of educational portal based on mash up technology for international students [Текст] / S.A. Amen, A.V. Prohorov // Радіоелектронні і комп'ютерні системи. — 2011. — С. 52-56.

- Анотація:

In the last few years a number of tools have become available that support the creation of web applications by mixing and matching data sources and processing. This article discusses issues associated with the use of technology Mash up in creating an educational portal for international students. The features of Web development Mash up at three levels: data, business logic and presentation. There are discusses the structure of the portal and especially the interaction with the programming interfaces of Internet resources and Web services. Educational portal, built on technology Mash up solves problem of search, processing and presentation of relevant information in a convenient form, it allows searching for higher education institutions, to view information about them, and also to compare universities with each other on the basis of criteria defined by the user.

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