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Vasiliev, L. L.
    Systems for Hhydrogen Reach Gases Storage and Transportation with Heat Pipe Thermal Management [Текст] / Luikov Heat & Mass Transfer Institute, National Academy of Sciences. // Тепловые процессы в технике : научно-технический и информационно-аналитический журнал. — Официальное издание комитета РАНпо тепло. — М. : ООО "Наука и технологии", 2011. — С. 400-416.

- Анотація:

New composite material (metal hydride particles on the activated carbon fibre matrix) was developed and investigated as efficient sorbent for hydrogen reach gases storage and transportation system application. The application of a heat pipe in gas accumulator enables one to control the temperature of sorbent bed and provide optimum operational conditions. A two-dimensional transient model was developed to analyze the influence of the thermal control on the operating characteristics of the storage vessel with hydrogenous gas and heat pipe.

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