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Analoui, M.
    Toward microeconomic allocation of resources in multi-service overlay networks [Текст] / M. Analoui, M.H. Rezwani // Известия РАН.Теория и системы управления  : научный журнал / РАН. Известия АН. — С. 60-73.

- Анотація:

The main challenge in overlay multicasting is designing self-organizing mechanisms that can be able to exploit the inherent selfishness of the end-user nodes in such a way that the aggregate outcome of the activity of individual nodes behaving toward their own self-interests still leads to maximization of the networks aggregate utility. We believe that the microeconomic theory is a good candidate to investigate this problem. Since each consumer in the economy acts as a selfish utility maximizer, the behavior of each end-host in the overlay network can be mapped to that of a consumer in the economy.

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