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Shepetov, V. V.
    Detonation coverings on basis of FeAl2 for protection units against wear processes [Текст] / V.V. Shepetov, О.U. Sydorenko // Авиационно-космическая техника и технология : Научно-технический журнал. — Х. : Нац. аэрокосмический ун-т "ХАИ", 2011. — С. 7-10.

- Анотація:

The generalization of results of the laboratory researches accepted in practice, shows, that the carried out researches testify to expediency of use of the developed detonation coverings of system FeAl2-Ti-Si for increase of wear resistance and durability of the rubed interfaces working in absence of greasing. Besides, the application of the specified wearproof coverings as have shown the economic data, promote the improvement of quality and durability of the details working in conditions of friction, reduction in expenses for repair work and manufacture of spare parts, that, finally, results in significant economy of metals. Key words: friction, alloy, aluminide, wear resistance, tribooxidation, detonation covering.

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