Автор: Davies J.N., Comerford P., Grout V., Rvachova N., Korkh O.
The infrastructure of large networks is broken down into areas that have a common security policy called a domain. Security within a domain is commonly implemented at all nodes however this can have a negative effect on performance since it introduces a delay associated with packet filtering. When Access Control Lists (ACLs) are used within a router for this purpose then a significant overhead is introduced associated with this process. It is likely that identical checks are made at multiple points within a domain prior to a packet reaching its destination therefore by eliminating ACLs within a domain by modifying the ingress/egress points with equivalent functionality an improvement in the overall performance can be obtained. Keywords: Routing Domain, Performance, Delay through Routers, Access Control List, ACL optimization, Off-line verification of ACLs, Firewalls, Inter-Firewall Optimization, IP packet filtering.
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УДК // Безпека
УДК // Види мереж згідно з охопленням території