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Ryazantsev, A. I.
    Quantitative risk analysis and evaluating environmental protection projects [Текст] = Количественный анализ рисков и оценка проектов в области охраны окружающей среды / A.I. Ryazantsev, I.S. SkargaBandurova // Радіоелектронні і комп'ютерні системи. — 2012. — С. 208-211.

- Анотація:

The objective of this study was to identify advantages of the system approach to evaluating environmental protection projects (EPP) and to identify way to get a best result in such areas: Consistent selection more integrated and comprehensive environmental protection strategies which addressed both regulated and non-regulated activities; Development of local capacity to independently environment issues. From methodological point of view the analysis and evaluation of environmental protection projects requires a multidisciplinary approach. Based on technical information (risk analyses), assessments can be made from an economical objectives although effects of aversion and acceptance would also have to be taken into account.. Keywords: risk analysis, environmental protection projects, decision making, system analysis.

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- Теми документа

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