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Yanovsky, M. E.
    The regulatory framework for Green Wi-Fi: analysis and development for adaptive networks [Текст] = Нормативная база для Green-Wi-Fi: анализ и развитие для адаптивных сетей / M.E. Yanovsky // Радіоелектронні і комп'ютерні системи. — 2012. — С. 82-86.

- Анотація:

The article provides an analysis of standards which encourage the reduction of energy consumption within the Green Wireless concept. Basically, standards specification ignores the dynamic properties of the subscribers. However, the discussed standards offer the possibility to modify these parameters using the methods of adaptation as a natural reaction to the environment. Furthermore, static and dynamic scenarios as well as their limitations are briefly examined. In this paper, the methods of adaptation and control of the parameters of the access points that cover the principles of adaptation are discussed in order to highlight the advantages and disadvantages of each method and to better understand how the parameters affect the results. Keywords: Wireless Network Standards, Green Wi-Fi, Adaptive Wireless Network.

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