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Dergunov, A. V.
    Specification and automatic detection of performance problems in Message Passing (MPI) applications [Текст] = Описание и автоматическое выявление проблем производительности в MPI приложениях / A.V. Dergunov // Радіоелектронні і комп'ютерні системи. — 2012. — С. 192-197.

- Анотація:

Traditional way to analyze performance of message passing (MPI) applications is via visualization of their execution traces. Several tools were developed to aid this activity; one example of such tool is Jumpshot. However, performance analysis with such tools is a complex task due to large traces and complex interactions between processes. In this paper a new way to analyze performance is proposed by automatic detection of performance problems in message passing applications. Performance problem is defined as a set of actions that inhibit good performance and is specified using tracing and analysis rules. Keywords: performance problems specification, performance problems detection, message passing applications.

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