Автор: Guyot M., Denise S., .Dudeck M., Claude P., Dusseau L., Saigne F., Bernard M.
A micro Hall effect thruster is proposed as electric propulsive system for CubeSats nanosatellites. A ?-PPI delivering a continuous axial thrust of 0.1mN with a power of a few W has been recently defined. It will be used on the nanosatellite Robusta-3 (3kg) from the University of Montpellier 2. The obtained thrust will allow to accelerate the deorbitation or to compensate the drag atmospheric effect in low orbits or to change the orbit of a CubeSat. The drag effect is analysed for Robusta-1 (1kg) from Space Track org. data and by numerical simulations. The ?-PPI thruster is under development. Key words: nanosatellite, propulsion, Hall effect thrusters, plasma propulsion.
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УДК // Електричні ракетні двигуни. Плазмові, магнітогідродинамічні двигуни