Автор: Cenian A., Chernukho A., Rachubiski H., Do A., Lino da, Dudeck M.
Hall effect thrusters are used for space propulsion. The energy deposition on the inner surfaces of Hall effect thruster is analysed. Using a PIC MC 1D-3V model, the ion and electron exchanges of energy by bombardments are estimated in presence of a potential sheath near the surfaces and an electron secondary emission. Morever, simple expressions are deduced from the classic theory of non collisional potential sheath but without electron secondary emssion. A 3D ray-tracing method to determine the radiation energy deposition on the wall from visible and VUV optical ranges is presented. Key words: satellite, propulsion, Hall effect thrusters, plasma propulsion.
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УДК // Електричні ракетні двигуни. Плазмові, магнітогідродинамічні двигуни