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Kostolny, J.
    Decision diagram and direct partial logic derivatives in reliability analysis of multi-state system [Текст] = Диаграммы решений и логические направленные производные для анализа надежности систем с несколькими уровнями надежности / J. Kostolny, E Zaitseva // Радіоелектронні і комп'ютерні системи. — 2013. — С. 276-281.

- Анотація:

Direct Partial Logic Derivative (DPLD) is used in the reliability analysis for the calculation of the Multi-State Systems (MSS) importance measures. MSS is mathematical model that permits to define some performance levels (more than two) for the system reliability. This mathematical model causes using of the special methods for analysis because has high dimension as a rule. One of possible methods for the MSS analysis is methods based on Decision Diagram we that can easily analyzes systems with higher dimension. New algorithms for calculating DPLD by Multi-Valued Decision Diagrams of the MSS are proposed in this paper. Key words: reliability, decision diagram, direct partial logic derivative, multi state system.

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