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Starov, O.
    Cloud services and tools for mobile testing [Текст] = Облачные сервисы и инструменты для мобильного тестирования / O. Starov, S. Vilkomir // Радіоелектронні і комп'ютерні системи. — 2013. — С. 362-371.

- Анотація:

Mobile application testing and testing over a cloud are two highly topical fields. This paper provides a state-of-the-art review of cloud-based mobile testing. Mobile testing presents specific test activities, including verification of an application against a variety of heterogeneous smartphone models and versions of operating system, build distribution and test team management, monitoring and user experience analytics of an application in production, etc. Cloud benefits are used to support mobile testing and different cloud services exist to provide remote mobile device hosting, automate tests, deliver builds to testers, and gather statistics of an app's usage. Such cloud services and tools are reviewed in this paper. The analysis of how existing functionalities cover all mobile testing needs is provided, and the lack of integrated testing techniques like combinatorial coverage strategies, test generation services, and services for automated dynamic security testing is observed. Keywords: mobile testing, cloud testing, device cloud, application lifecycle management, testing techniques, performance testing, user experience testing, Android.

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  • УДК // Електроніка. Мікроелектроніка

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