Автор: Bradac M., Zouhar F., Krizan J., Bliznak M., Vargovcik L., Kononikhyn O., Pavlyuk Y., Kravchenko Y.
A short review of the use of Model Based Design (MBD) in the development process of a fuel metering pump control algorithm with an ability to control the BE2 turbine engine is presented. The design and testing of the regulators and calibrations were performed using the Matlab®/Simulink® environment. The dSpace system was used to identify the FMP parameters, then for evaluating the designed control algorithms and finally for performance tests of the target platform. The results of this approach can be taken as a pattern for projects where it is necessary to save development time, testing costs, and fast changes of source code for target device are needed.
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УДК // Автоматика. Техніка автоматичного керування і регулювання. Високі технології. Смарт-технології