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Kupin, A. I.
    Usage of training methods to parameterization of multilayer neural computing structures for technological processes [Текст] = Использование методов обучения для параметризации многомерных нейросетевых структур технологического назначения / A.I. Kupin, Y.O. Kumchenko // Радіоелектронні і комп'ютерні системи. — 2014. — С. 100-104.

- Анотація:

The analysis of the existing training methods of multilayer neural network computing structures is carried out. By the use of computer simulation the most effective training methods are investigated. Recommendations of selected methods usage by examples of multilayer approximation tasks for technology of benefication are given. As software environments three independent application program packages (neuroemulators) of type were applied to computer simulation: Neuro Solution, Statistica Neural Networks and MATLAB Neural Networks Tools (NNT). Based on the results received in the course of research the comparative analysis was carried out them.

- Є складовою частиною документа:

- Теми документа

  • УДК // Загальні рівняння першого порядку та системи: властивості, типи тощо
  • УДК // Комп’ютерне моделювання
  • УДК // Нейронні мережі

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