Автор: Rajendrasing R., Girka Y., Zaharenko V., Mallikarjuna V., Boopathiraja A.
By introducing the idea of "Controlled Re-entry of Spacecraft" (CSR), we can avoid the future space debris. Control re-entry is the process of retrieving the Spacecraft safely after its operational life with Spacecraft capsule. The basic idea behind this project is providing the capsule for every Spacecraft carrying nuclear power source onboard and spacecraft performing high speed reentry after the interplanetary missions. In this paper we will discuss the aerodynamic analysis performed analytically and experimentally, in Continuous and Newtonian flow. Analysis of aerodynamic characteristics at wide Knudsen and Mach number range of body is done. Thermal loads and kinematic parameters of vehicle are determined. And results of wind tunnel test of the blunt capsule performed in wind tunnel T-5 are also discussed.
Є складовою частиною документа:
Теми документа
Праці співробітників ХАІ // Захаренко В.О./Захаренко В.А./Zaharenko V.
УДК // Космічна техніка. Космонавтика. Космічні апарати
Праці співробітників ХАІ // Праці співробітників ХАІ/Труды сотрудников ХАИ
УДК // Тиски, що обумовлені відносним рухом тіл та рідин. Опір руху