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Forghany, F.
    Numerical study of the aerodynamic effects on fluidic thrust vectoring [Текст] = Численное исследование аэродинамических методов управления вектором тяги / F. Forghany, M. TaiebiRahni, A. AsdollahiGhohieh // Авиационно-космическая техника и технология : Научно-технический журнал. — Х. : Нац. аэрокосмический ун-т "ХАИ", 2015. — P. 27-34.

- Анотація:

A computational investigation of the aerodynamic effects on fluidic thrust vectoring was conducted. Simulations of a two-dimensional convergent-divergent (2DCD) nozzle with shock-vector control method of fluidic injection for pitch vector control was performed with CFD, using Spalart-Allmaras (S-A) one equation turbulence model. A static freestream condition (M=0.05) at Mach numbers from M=0.3 to 1.2, with nozzle pressure ratios of 4.6 and secondary to primary total pressure ratios of 0.7 were assumed. The aerodynamic penalty to thrust vector angle ranged from 3.9 degrees with M=1.2 freestream condition to 1.08 degrees with M=0.3 freestream condition, (compared to the same nozzle pressure ratios with static freestream conditions). Results indicate that the freestream flow decreases vectoring performance and thrust efficiency, compared to static (wind-off) condition. Key words: thrust vectoring, shock vector control, external freestream mach number effect.

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