Зведений каталог бібліотек Харкова


Tsukanov, R. U.
    Mathematical simulation of fuel burn schedule effect on airplane center-of-gravity position [Текст] = Математическое моделирование влияния потока выработки топлива на центровку самолета / R.U. Tsukanov // . — P. 18-29.

- Анотація:

Formulas to describe shape of fuel tanks arranged in wings, wing center section and fuselage are proposed on the base of wing shape analysis of real transport category airplanes. Methods of fuel burn sequence designation and fuel transfer methods are analyzed. Method accounting ribs with baffle check valves influence on airplane center-of-gravity position is considered. Algorithm for transport category airplane center-of-gravity position calculation depending on current fuel level in tanks and pitch angle, accounting specified number and arrangement of fuel tanks in wings, wing center section and fuselage, fuel burn schedule, and number and arrangement of ribs with baffle check valves is proposed. Basing on this algorithm and its program implementation, calculation of center-of-gravity position in the process of fuel utilization was carried out for some passenger airplanes (Ан 148, B 737-400, A 310, DC 10, B 747). The algorithm proposed can be used for determination of reasonable number and arrangement of ribs with baffle check valves, more complicated mathematical models creation, and also for making course and diploma projects. Key words: airplane fuel system, fuel burn sequence, center-of-gravity, center-of-gravity position, fuel tank, fuel feed subsystem, fuel supply subsystem.

- Є складовою частиною документа:

- Теми документа

  • Праці співробітників ХАІ // Праці співробітників ХАІ/Труды сотрудников ХАИ
  • УДК // Системи подачі та живлення паливом
  • Праці співробітників ХАІ // Цуканов Р.Ю./Tsukanov R.U.

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