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Tsukanov, R. U.
    Airplane flight center-of-gravity position calculation algorithm. Adaptation features for different fuel feed schemes [Текст] = Особенности адаптации алгоритма расчета полетной центровки самолета для различных схем подачи топлива / R.U. Tsukanov // Открытые информационные и компьютерные интегрированные технологии : сб. науч. тр. — Х. : Нац. аэрокосмический ун-т "ХАИ", 2009. — P. 75-82.

- Анотація:

On the base of analysis of numerous real airplanes' fuel systems, fuel tank connection schemes, not described in academic books and methodological literature previously, are exposed i. e.: parallel connection without switching, mixed connection and convertible connection. Classification table has been developed, which allows to determine reasonable fuel feed scheme by correlation between the number of engines and the number of feed tanks taking into account wide experience of real airplanes' design. Fuel tank connection schemes and the number of engines fed from single feed tank influence are analyzed; and the ways to account them in airplane center-of-gravity calculation algorithm according to fuel burn sequence are proposed. Key words: center-of-gravity, CG position, fuel tank, fuel system, fuel feed, feed tank, tank connection type, fuel feed method.

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- Теми документа

  • Праці співробітників ХАІ // Праці співробітників ХАІ/Труды сотрудников ХАИ
  • УДК // Способи кування та ковельскі операції
  • Праці співробітників ХАІ // Цуканов Р.Ю./Tsukanov R.U.

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