Зведений каталог бібліотек Харкова


Volochiy, B.
    The maintanance stategy optimization of base stations of communication cellular network [Текст] / B. Volochiy, L. Ozirkovskyy, I. Kulyk, M. Zmysnyi // Радіоелектронні і комп'ютерні системи : наук. - техн. журн. / М-во освіти і науки України, Нац. аерокосм. ун-т ім. М. Є. Жуковського "Харк. авіац. ін-т". — Х. : ХАІ, 2016. — С. 43-53.

- Анотація:

In this paper was presented the method for solving the problem of parametric optimization of maintenance strategy of cellular communications network, whose base stations were located at a considerable distance from each other and from the service station. Maintenance of all base stations carried out by one repair team. Repair team has been given a task to do two types of work: disaster recovery and planning-preventative maintenance. Two variants of realization of maintenance strategy were considered in this paper. Disaster recovery in absolute priority over the planned-preventative maintenance of base stations in the first variant. In another variant disaster recovery carried out after the planned-preventative maintenance of base station. The criterion for optimization is a minimum of maintenance costs, where the availability factor of cellular communication network must measure up of the specified value. It was proposed two mathematical models of realization variants of technical maintenance strategy for this problem solution.

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- Теми документа

  • УДК // Спеціальна радіоапаратура та сфери її застосування. Радіолокація

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