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Iqbal, A.
    Using SNMPV3 for resources monitoring of hosted and bare-metal hypervisors [Текст] / A. Iqbal, C. Pattinson, A. Kor // Радіоелектронні і комп'ютерні системи : наук. - техн. журн. / М-во освіти і науки України, Нац. аерокосм. ун-т ім. М. Є. Жуковського "Харк. авіац. ін-т". — Х. : ХАІ, 2016. — С. 171-178.

- Анотація:

Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is the protocol which comes with the feature of accurate monitoring and controlling IP based devices. Now a days, most of the IP based devices in the market come with SNMP protocol feature. In this research, SNMP protocol is used to monitor a Cloud Computing Environment, where monitoring of Virtual Machines (VMs) is performed. An investigation is conducted to determine whether SNMP could be used to monitor a hypervisor. Type I hypervisor VMware ESXi and Type II hypervisor Oracle Virtualbox are installed and configured with their VMs. Microsoft and Linux Operating Systems are installed in the VMs. Furthermore free and open source Zabbix is used as Network Management System (NMS) to store monitored data collected by SNMP, and to display them as graphs.

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