Зведений каталог бібліотек Харкова


Yanovsky, M.
    Distributed cloud system: security and keyword indexing issues with implementation strategy and business limitations [Текст] / M. Yanovsky, O. Yanovskaya, V. Butenko, M. Devetzoglou // Радіоелектронні і комп'ютерні системи : наук. - техн. журн. / М-во освіти і науки України, Нац. аерокосм. ун-т ім. М. Є. Жуковського "Харк. авіац. ін-т". — Х. : ХАІ, 2016. — С. 18-23.

- Анотація:

The article focuses on several technical and business issues that are essential for the development of distributed cloud system related to security, keyword indexing and business implementation. The presented solution on security makes it possible to ensure resource integrity and validate node identity. The keyword indexing enables access to relevant resources located in a distributed cloud that is required to use any resource type. Finally, the concept of business development and the implementation of the project with limited expenses enables a project to start from zero, using the distributed cloud architecture as an extension or as a component of an open source software that could potentially be part of a private cloud within an enterprise's IT infrastructure.

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