Зведений каталог бібліотек Харкова


E20    Economic efficiency of business in the conditions of unstable economy [Текст] : collective monogr. — [Taunton, MA ] : Aspekt Publ. of Budget Printing Center , Taunton , MA , United States of America, 2015. — 331 p.
ISBN 978-0-9860467-9-7

- Анотація:

Collective monograph is published as part of crosscutting theme of the research. "Improved management of enterprises of different organizational forms in terms of financial and economic instability", the state registration number 0114U006193.

Research essence of the concept of socio-economic development of the company, its nature and specific modifications of display areas. Specific character of mechanism of sustainable development of economic systems at the state level, sector, industry and enteiprise formation has also been investigated. Mechanism of social and economic enterprises' development has been analyzed.

Collective monograph is intended for politicians, scientists, entrepreneurs, teachers, postgraduate students, students and anyone interested in the issues of formation the mechanism of effective regulation of enterprise economic activity.

- Зміст:

Scientific journal "Economics and Finance"

- Теми документа

  • ХНЕУ, надходження 2015 р. // 11 листопад
  • Рубрикатор // Підприємство. Ефективність виробництва
  • Рубрикатор // Приватне підприємництво. Бізнес
  • Праці співробітників ХНЕУ // Черкасов В.И.

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