Зведений каталог бібліотек Харкова


D 24    Data Mining & Knowledge Technologies [Текст] : Summary of Lectures, Practice, Laboratory Works and Self-Study Job / Comp.by E.A.Solovyova; The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine;Kharkiv National University of RadioElectronics,Center for Students Training in Foreign Languages. — Kharkiv : KNURE, 2003. — 115 p.

- Ключові слова:

моделювання об' єктне, моделирование объектное ; штучний інтелект,ШІ, искусственный интеллект, ИИ,artificial intelligence, l`intelligence artificielle ; експертні системи, ЕС, экспертные системы, ЭС, expert systems, systemes experts

- Анотація:

This course "Data Mining & Knowledge Technologies" is actual and important for MA specialism "Computer Systems and Nets", because it gives basis of Informational society building. This course is near to the actual directions, such as "Knowledge Management", "Business Intelligence" and "Informational Management" in European Economic Community and USA. This course is a heart of the most modern profession "Information Science" and especially of "Competitive Intelligence". Competitive Intelligence - is a managing information and knowledge, regarding industry players and topics, to maximize competitive advantage. It is a systematic & ethical program for gathering and analyzing information about your competitors' activities and general business trends to further your own company's goals. You can find this very new information at the SCIP web site (Society of Competitive Intelligence Professionals). In this course we will study the main and most important Know ledge-based Methods, Technologies and Tools, s

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