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ЕОМБогдан, П. І.
    Нейроконтролер на базі віртуального нейропроцесора [Текст] : магістерська атестаційна робота, пояснювальна записка / кер. роботи проф. Руденко О.Г. ; ХНУРЕ, Кафедра Електронних обчислювальних машин. — Харків, 2014. — 69 с.

- Анотація:

The purpose of the degree project is development of hardware-software device of analyzing of digital signals in analog and digital systems. Sensors for processing and the further logic analyzing of digital signals are picked up. On the basis of the analysis of the information the hardware and software were developed. FPGA for the logic analyzer was chosen, the basic schematic is developed and the software for management of this system is created. MICROCONTROLLER, PROCESSOR, KERNEL, FPGA, DIGITAL AUTOMATIC DEVICE, CONTROL SYSTEM, MEASUREMENT, MICROCONTROLLER SYSTEM, SYSTEM of PROCESSING of the INFORMATION, PULSE-WIDTH MODULATION, INTERFACE This work dedicates the syntesis of arithmetical conveyor that realizes one neuroprocessors. There were viewed some questions of command choicing for specialized neurocomputers, one algorithm of command was proposed and generalized scheme of arithmetical conveyor was described. The structural schemes of neurocontrol and arithmetical conveyor were researched and analyzed and the realization of neuroconveyor based on FPGA 1802 was described . NEUROPROCESSOR, NEUROCHIP, ARITHMETIC PIPELINE, ALGORITHM, STRUCTURE OF INSTRUCTIONS, STRUCTURE CHART

- Теми документа

  • Дипломні роботи студентів ХНУРЕ // Дипломні роботи кафедри Електронно-обчислювальних машин (ЕОМ)
  • Дипломні роботи студентів ХНУРЕ // Магістерські атестаційні роботи кафедри ЕОМ

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