As the object of research method is chosen transformation of a topological network. The purpose of master's thesis is to examine the method of topological transformation of the network, in practice, show the method in action, and implement the algorithm of the method programmatically. As a result of the master's work created a software product Schematrix. The input data for the program is considered network interface table, the number of components of the system and the maximum number of inputs of a single network element. The output is a two-tiered table interface. You can view both tables of conjugation: the input and the converted, as well as diagrams of systems for the respective tables. Consider the action of this method applied to solving the problem of maximum flow algorithm of Ford-Fulkerson. COMPUTER NETWORK MODEL OF FLOW, METHODS, ALGORITHMS, CONTINGENCY TABLES, FICTITIOUS CONTACT, PATTERN, COMPOSITION/DECOMPOSITION, SOFTWARE, JAVA, CLASS, MASSA, INHERITANCE, UML, EFFICIENCY.