Зведений каталог бібліотек Харкова


ЕОМАбдулрахман, Котаєба
    Моделі оцінки продуктивності розподілених центрів даних [Текст] : дипломна робота, пояснювальна записка / кер. роботи проф. Горбачов В. А. ; ХНУРЕ, Кафедра електронних обчислювальних машин. — Харків, 2016. — 98 с. + CD.

- Анотація:

The purpose of this work is to develop a full-scale on-line distributed distance learning system; to design the system considering the problems of usability and accessibility as well as organizational issues. A development of the system with the implementation of modern client-server web-programming technologies is described. In-depth study of the distance learning systems on the base of data center is presented in the work by implementation of a fully functional assessment system to conduct online tests in real time as one way of assessing students' progresses. A question of intelligent analysis of assessment results is researched. A set of tools is created to make analysis of collected results easier and more productive. An experimental tool is developed for the automated analysis of the quality of tests. Future possible improvements of this side of distance learning systems are overviewed.

- Теми документа

  • Дипломні роботи студентів ХНУРЕ // Дипломні роботи кафедри Електронно-обчислювальних машин (ЕОМ)

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