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AlDhahir, Naofal
    Optimum DCT-Based Multicarrier Transceivers for Frequency-Selective Channels [Електронний ресурс] [Текст] / Naofal AlDhahir, Hlaing Minn, Shilpa Satish // IEEE Communicatins  : a publication of the IEEE Communications society. — USA, 2006. — 5. — Pp. 911-921.

- Ключові слова:

фільтри, фильтры, filter ; модуляція, модуляция

- Анотація:

We derive conditions on the impulse response and input signal of a frequency-selective finite-impulse response channel to be diagonalized by the discrete cosine transform (DCT) into parallel, decoupled, and memoryless subchannels. We show how these conditions can be satisfied in a practical multicarrier transceiver through a novel design of the guard sequence and the front-end prefilter. This DCT-based design results in complete elimination of interblock and intercarrier interference without channel knowledge at the transmitter and at the same guard sequence overhead, compared with DFT-based multicarrier transceivers. Extensions to multiinput multioutput frequency-selective channels are also described. Finally, we present numerical examples from wireline and wireless communications scenarios to illustrate the viability and practicality of the DCT as a modulation/ demodulation basis for baseband and passband signaling over frequency-selective channels.

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