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Cendrillon, Raphael
    Optimal Multiuser Spectrum Balancing for Digital Subscriber Lines [Електронний ресурс] [Текст] / Raphael Cendrillon, Wei Yu, Marc Moonen та ін. // IEEE Communicatins  : a publication of the IEEE Communications society. — USA, 2006. — 5. — Pp. 922-933.

Автор: Cendrillon Raphael, Yu Wei, Moonen Marc, Verlinden Jan, Bostoen Tom

- Ключові слова:

абонентський доступ, абонентский доступ ; оптимізація, оптимизация, optimization ; розкладання сигналу, разложение сигнала ; розподіл, распределение, distribution, allocation, decoupage

- Анотація:

Crosstalk is a major issue in modern digital subscriber line (DSL) systems such as ADSL and VDSL. Static spectrum management, which is the traditional way of ensuring spectral compatibility, employs spectral masks that can be overly conservative and lead to poor performance. This paper presents a centralized algorithm for optimal spectrum balancing in DSL. The algorithm uses the dual decomposition method to optimize spectra in an efficient and computationally tractable way. The algorithm shows significant performance gains over existing dynamis spectrum management (DSM) techniques, e.g., in one of the cases studied, the proposed centralized algorithm leads to a factor-of-four increase in data rate over the distributed DSM algorithm iterative waterfilling.

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