Автор: Masaomi Yamaguchi, Tsunehisa Sakoda, Hiroshi Minakata, Shiqin Xiao, Yusuke Morisaki, Kazuto Ikeda, Yasuyoshi Mishima
The authors found the method to form HfSiON film with an ultrathin SiO2 interfacial layer on the Si substrate by oxidizing the HfSiN. The HfSiN film was deposited by using the metal–organic chemical vapor deposition reactor with the shower head, supplying metal (Hf and Si) precursors and NH3 gas separately from discharge nozzles. The authors successfully decreased the leakage current of the metal insulator semiconductor diode with HfSiON/SiO2 insulator of 1-nm equivalent oxide thickness to 0.036 A/cm2 at Vfb - 1V.
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