Автор: Yang Min, Chan Victor, Chan Kevin, Shi Leathen, Fried David, Stathis James, Chou Anthony, Gusev Evgeni, Ott John, Burns Lindsay, Fischetti Massimo, Ieong Meikei
Ключові слова:
кремній, кремний ; Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor, MOSFET
At the onset of innovative device structures intended to extend the roadmap for silicon CMOS, many techniques have been investigated to improve carrier mobility in silicon MOSFETs. A novel planar silicon CMOS structure, seeking optimized surface orientation, and hence carrier mobilities for both nFETs and pFETs, emerged. Hybrid-orientation technology provides nFETs on (100) surface orientation and pFETs on (110) surface orientation through wafer bonding and silicon selective epitaxy. The fabrication processes and device characteristics are reviewed in this paper.
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