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Song, SeungChul
    Highly Manufacturable Advanced Gate-Stack Technology for Sub-45-nm Self-Aligned Gate-First CMOSFETs [Електронний ресурс] [Текст] / SeungChul Song, Zhibo Zhang, Craig Huffman та ін. // IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices . — USA, 2006. — 5. — Pp. 979-989.

Автор: Song SeungChul, Zhang Zhibo, Huffman Craig, Sim Jang, Bae Sang, Kirsch Paul, Majhi Prashant, Choi Rino, Moumen Naim, Lee Byoung

- Ключові слова:

дифузія, диффузия

- Анотація:

Issues surrounding the integration of Hf-based high-к dielectrics with metal gates in a conventional CMOS flow are discussed. The careful choice of a gate-stack process as well as optimization of other CMOS process steps enable robust metal/high-к CMOSFETs with wide process latitude. HfO2 of a 2-nm physical thickness shows a very minimal transient charge trapping resulting from kinetically suppressed crystallization. Thickness of metal electrode is also a critical factor to optimize physical-stress effects and minimize dopant diffusion. A hightemperature anneal after source/drain implantation in a conventional CMOSFET process is found to reduce the interface state density and improve the electron mobility. Even though MOSFET process using single midgap metal gate addresses fundamental issues related to implementing metal/high-к stack, integrating two different metals on the same wafer (i.e., dual metal gate) poses several additional challenges, such as metal gate separation between n- and pMOS and g

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