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Krishnamohan, Tejas
    High-Mobility Low Band-To-Band-Tunneling Strained-Germanium Double-Gate Heterostructure FETs: Simulations [Електронний ресурс] [Текст] / Tejas Krishnamohan, Donghyun Kim, Chi Nguyen та ін. // IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices . — USA, 2006. — 5. — Pp. 1000-1009.

Автор: Krishnamohan Tejas, Kim Donghyun, Nguyen Chi, Jungemann Christoph, Nishi Yoshio, Saraswat Krishna

- Ключові слова:

транзистори, транзисторы, transistors ; Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor, MOSFET

- Анотація:

Large band-to-band tunneling (BTBT) leakage currents can ultimately limit the scalability of high-mobility (smallbandgap) materials. This paper presents a novel heterostructure double-gate FET (DGFET) that can significantly reduce BTBT leakage currents while retaining its high mobility, making it suitable for scaling into the sub-20-nm regime. In particular, through one-dimensional Poisson–Schrodinger, full-band Monte Carlo, and detailed BTBT simulations, the tradeoffs between carrier transport, electrostatics, and BTBT leakage in high-mobility sub-20-nm Si-strained SiGe–Si (high germanium concentration) heterostructure PMOS DGFETs are thoroughly analyzed. The results show a dramatic (> 100X) reduction in BTBT and an excellent electrostatic control of the channel while maintaining very high drive currents and switching frequencies in these nanoscale transistors.

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